(The Arts and Culture of Indonesia)

Click each BIO: Anie Pelletier, Daisy, Novie, Dhita, Seraphine, Jason, Debbie, Joey, Deny D, Heidi, Paige, Yohan, Dek Yuni, Angeline, Laura, Mulyani, Saleh Frey, Desi, Dinda, Sarah, Widad&Remin,


Yohan Sumaiku

Yohan Sumaiku is a scientist, environmentalist, educator. He has PHD, graduated from School of Mines and lives in Golden. In between his busy work, he can find time to learn piano and gamelan, as his hobbies.

© 2012 Arcinda
Logo and Artwork by: I Made Surata
Web Design by Anie and Mark Pelletier