(The Arts and Culture of Indonesia)
Click each BIO: Anie Pelletier, Daisy, Novie, Dhita, Seraphine, Jason, Debbie, Joey, Deny D, Heidi, Paige, Yohan, Dek Yuni, Angeline, Laura, Mulyani, Saleh Frey, Desi, Dinda, Sarah, Widad&Remin,
Seraphine Vo
She has a very strong vocal, and has her own vocal group. She and her group have done recording for CD that will be in the market soon, in 2012. Congratulation !!! She has a lot of different talents, in music (guitar and gamelan), dance and vocal.
She enjoys playing gamelan and singing with Arcinda - Kyai Brojo Marto gamelan group. She is busy as a student and a working mom, but she is very enthusiastic about her hobby in music, vocal, dance and gamelan. |
© 2012 Arcinda
Logo and Artwork by: I Made Surata
Web Design by Anie and Mark Pelletier